WorldHost Customer Service Excellence for the Eventsec team at The SSE Odyssey Arena and Odyssey Pavilion

SSE Arena

Rodney and his team who provide security for the SSE Arena, Belfast & Odyssey Pavilion successfully completed the WorldHost Customer Service‬ and Northern Ireland ‪Ambassador‬ – welcoming visitors to their destination training and City & Guilds qualifications with Watson & Co. Chartered Marketing.

WorldHost is a leading campaign aimed at raising customer service standards in Northern Ireland. With proven expertise in training individuals to deliver world-class customer service, WorldHost by Watson & Co. Chartered Marketing offers internationally recognised training solutions that effectively meet the needs of event security businesses such as Eventsec, providing the company with a competitive edge and greater employee engagement. Accredited independent world renowned training such as WorldHost is found to be particularly useful when businesses are tendering for work in a competitive environment – it shows the prospective client the importance that the tendering business places on customer service.

The Eventsec service professionals who completed the programme signed up to go the extra mile for every visitor and customer and to deliver positive first and lasting impressions.

Watson & Co. Chartered Marketing Trainer Christine is just one of tens of thousands of visitors to Odyssey Pavilion and The SSE Odyssey Arena lucky to receive a‪ world class warm welcome‬ including a big smile from the ‪‎WorldHost‬ Eventsec team every time.

The WorldHost principles can be remembered through the acronym GREET:

Accredited WorldHost service professionals are expected to live the following principles every encounter, every day:

GIVE FULLY • We give all customers our full attention and are true professionals

RESPECT EVERYONE • We respect all visitors, customers and co-workers • We appreciate all customers deserve excellent service no matter how much they spend • Every customer is a valued one

EMPATHISE WITH OTHERS • We use our empathetic listening skills to help customers solve problems • We remember that sometimes some people just want someone to listen to them

EXCEL AT YOUR JOB • We all strive to excel at our jobs, complete tasks on time and to the best of our ability

TEAM WORK WORKS • We support our fellow employees so that they can do their job well, too!

Cathal, Austin, Mark, Stefanie, David, Gerard and Daniel: your certificates are in Rodney’s safe hands and we trust that we are all in your safe WorldHost hands